hide your followers on instagram

Instagram provides privacy settings that allow users to control the visibility of their followers. Here’s how you can hide your followers on Instagram:

  1. Open Instagram: Open the Instagram app on your mobile device.
  2. Go to your Profile: Tap on your profile picture or your username to go to your profile.

hide your followers on instagram

  1. Access Account Settings: On your profile, tap on the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner to open the menu. Then, tap on “Settings.”
  2. Navigate to Privacy Settings: In the Settings menu, find and tap on “Privacy.”

hide your followers on instagram

  1. Adjust Follower Settings: Look for the “Account Privacy” section and tap on “Followers.” You will see options for controlling who can follow you.
  1. Set to Private: Switch your account to “Private.” When your account is private, only approved followers can see your followers and followings.

Please note that if your account is public, anyone can see your followers. By setting your account to private, you have more control over who can see your followers.

Keep in mind that Instagram’s features and settings may evolve, and there might be changes after my last update. If you’re having trouble finding these settings or if there have been updates, refer to the latest information in the Instagram app or on the official Instagram support resources.